
Beastie boys paul boutique 320 rapidshare
Beastie boys paul boutique 320 rapidshare

If this episode wasn’t enough for you, is an excellent, exhaustive database of every sample used on the record, as well as every reference the Beasties make. Shake your rum-PAH! MiscellanyĬontent warning: the Beastie Boys still had a lot of growing up to do when they recorded Paul’s Boutique, so we wanted to note that the album contains some instances of racism, transphobia and (especially) misogyny, all of which the group has apologized for repeatedly in years since. It blew Mike’s mind as a teenager and budding producer, and this week he’s leading Rich, Phil and hip-hop noob John through a true bouillabaisse of an album, and a great hip-hop gateway drug for rock fans. The result is a miasma of light-speed references and samples, with a sonic palette drawing from ‘70s funk, old-school hip-hop, and whatever else the Dusts had lying around. Seeking to level up as artists, the Beasties broke with Def Jam, moved to Los Angeles, and teamed up with producers and seasoned crate-diggers the Dust Brothers.

beastie boys paul boutique 320 rapidshare beastie boys paul boutique 320 rapidshare

So you like samples, huh? Well, have all the samples in the world! In our Deltron 3030 episode, Producer Mike waxed poetic that hip-hop “can contain the whole world,” and the Beastie Boys tried to do exactly that on Paul’s Boutique.

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